Monday, June 17, 2013

Entry #5: Liz's Lesson on Thomas Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase

A Second Grade Lesson on Thomas Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the United States.  One of the things that Jefferson is most well-known for, besides being a founding father, is the Louisiana Purchase.  Not everyone agreed with Jefferson when he purchased this huge piece of land for $15 million dollars, but it is still known as one of today’s best real-estate bargains in history.  The U.S. purchased this land from France, in particular Napoleon, who needed the money for his war with Britain.  This land purchase was very important for more than one reason.  Besides nearly doubling the size of the United States, the U.S. also gained power over a very important waterway, the Mississippi River.  The Mississippi River was key in allowing U.S. farmers to export their crops.  With control of this important river, exporting was possible.    (Content
On Discovery Education show students the video clip Crossing the Mississippi:  The Louisiana Purchase.  This a 5 minute video clip that really explains just what went on when President Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from France. Ask students to recall who made the deal to buy the land, how much it cost, what states did the U.S. gain, why was it so important to have control of the Mississippi River, etc.  (DOK 1) (CC.8.5.6-8.C:)   Show students a map of the U.S. pre-1803 before the Louisiana Purchase.  Show students a map of the U.S. after purchasing the land from France. (CC.8.5.6-8.G )  Have students make observations, based on what they learned from watching the video clip, about how purchasing this land helped the U.S. grow.  (DOK 2)  Have students hypothesize how the U.S. may be different today if Thomas Jefferson had not purchased this land from France.  (DOK 3)  Finally, students will write a persuasive letter to Thomas Jefferson persuading him that it is a good idea to buy this section of land. (CC.8.6.6-8.A) Students need to give at least two arguments as to why Jefferson should purchase the land.  (DOK 4) Before having students write the letter, go over benefits to the U.S. from the purchase of this land.  To close out the lesson hand out a copy of the poem The Purchase with the cartoon of Thomas Jefferson purchasing the land from France.                                  (Creative Idea
Domains: 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3e, 4a, 4f
The content for this lesson came for Discovery Education, United Streamings clip called Crossing the Mississippi:  The Louisiana Purchase, and also from the book A History of U.S.:  The New Nation 1789-1850 by Joy Hakim. 
The creative idea came from the United Streaming Website as well as

1 comment:

  1. Nice integration of visuals. Good higher level thinking question of considering the reverse of the purchase.
